i'm also a confessed book cover judger. only initially of course, because truly it is the content that ultimately matters. but being highly attuned to aesthetics, color, and design i just can't help myself but to pay special attention to book cover art.

and another favorite is the great journeys series ~ tales from all across the ages for anyone yearning for adventures. . . . .

there are several exquisite lines of books from the penguin publishing house that are lucky enough to be designed by the graphic art genius daivd pearson. i like them so much i wanted to highlight them here and make sure you got to check them out too.
one of my favorites is the great ideas series ~ classic works for any mind that is hungry for answers. . . . .

david pearson's creative hand has given all these classics a new view and sparked interest in some forgotten gems. desire to horde collections of books has never looked so good, and judging a book by its cover has never been so appealing!
I love book covers as well and have to admit, that I almost 95% of the time buy a book because I was drawn to the cover. There is some great book cover art out there and these are lovely too.
WOW! I would totally buy all of these books JUST for the covers!
Oh! These are amazingly gorgeous cover designs. Love them! Wouldn't a beautiful shelf of them in a corner with a beat up old leather club chair be the most amazing corner of a room?
i have to have them, all of them! thanks for showing them to us.
hi enzie! i'm so glad you're with me on the book cover judging. it's gotta be the keen artist eye in you.
me too, tangobaby, and then you'd get the added delightful bonus of the wealth of information & stimulation from what's within the covers too.
relyn ~ you are speaking my language, lady! i always conjur up scenes for how i dream things would be, only if .... so along with the old leather club chair and these incredible books, there would be a big ottoman, a super thick chenille blanket, some peppermint tea and my fave cuddle kitty lucy. :o)
hi chloe ~ if you get them all, can i come over sometimes & look at them? maybe even read through a few? ;o) welcome back, by the way!
Graphic art genius indeed!! I'm catching up on your blog and hardly know where to begin. I love everything this man does: his font selections, color palettes, and layout designs are perfection. I love the books you chose, especially the series that look like William Morris designs. This post is fantastic!
hi dutchbaby ~ good call on the william morris connection. glad to know you enjoy the look of a good book as much as i do. ;o)
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