
concentric delicious

i just found the most fabulous looking icebox cookies ever {well, for my concentric circles loving self} these are now the official cookie of studio wellspring ~ ;o)
i'll be making my own version this coming weekend ~ wish me luck that i can get mine to look as perfectly fantastic as these do.

{found on none other than martha stewart's empire website}


tangobaby said...

Even though the idea of actually eating any more holiday treats kind of gives me a tummy ache, I am still very attracted by photos of holiday treats, obviously.

This photo is gorgeous. Be sure to share some cookies with us, virtually.

studio wellspring said...

i can't believe how many decadent treats our office gets at the holidays. it's so overwhelming. and delicious. i've had truffles for breakfast 3 mornings this week. naughty-naughty.
yes i'll virtually share with you the cookies, whether disasters or successes.

studio wellspring said...

genius, tara, pure genius!