as some of you may recall, i got a similar tag last year, but making it an annual thing is fine with me. and besides of course there are way more than 7 additional quirky little known things about me that i can share. :o)
here is the nitty gritty:
link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog. share seven random and/or weird things about yourself. tag seven people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
here are my seven:
1. learning to tango has changed my life for the better in more ways than i could have possibly imagined and now i doubt i'll ever stop doing it.

2. i am easily chilled and i just can't stand being cold. so i do many seemingly ridiculous things to keep warm {i have a heating pad at my desk chair at work, for instance}
3. i love hot chocolate ~ especially mexican hot chocolate. i drink it a lot.

4. i wear a white lab coat every day at work {& so does everyone else i work with, including orlando}

5. i speak italian & once lived in milan, italy

6. i can never be too long away from large bodies of water and deep forests

7. if i was challenged to buy the best piece of furniture for under $300 within 5 minutes or else i wouldn't be able to keep it, i'd go directly here and buy the ghost chair {designed by philippe starck}
the fascinatingly talented ladies i'm passing the tag torch on to are {in no particular order}:
vineeta artnlight , sew sally , tangobaby , chloe, the froth , diana muse , emma's designblogg , decorno
ha! cold, me too...
wool socks are wonderful...
happy new year to you, too! thanks for all of your inspirations this year...
i like the lab coat!
thanks for the tag and i will follow soon.
Will you take me with you on your next hot chocolate break?
I'll be working on my little list, too. ;-)
What an excellent job! a pleasure to read! You would be most welcome to bring your quirky, tango dancing, mexican hot chocolate drinking, lab coat wearing, italian speaking self to visit anytime! Thanks for playing along :)
Thanks for the tag, I have posted it on my blog now!
:) Lab coat? i'd never have suspected :) And keep me away from nature vacations & i get withdrawal symptoms too :) And that chair kept in front of that mirrored cabinet is such a brilliant combination- dont blame u for lusting it :) like tango baby-u've caused me to count my quirks too & alas it will soon be public :)
How interesting - I, too, can't be away from the ocean or mountains for long. And I am a fan of hot chocolate and am always cold, even when those around me feel toasty and warm. I have low blood pressure, which may have something to do with it. You look great in your lab coat!
hi shayna ~ good to hear from you! can't wait to see what new fabulousness you do with the cabin house in '08!
and yes, wool socks {and goose down slippers} are pretty much the best things ever.
hi shayna ~ good to hear from you! can't wait to see what new fabulousness you do with the cabin house in '08!
and yes, wool socks {and goose down slippers} are pretty much the best things ever.
hi chloe ~ so glad you're willing to join in the frivolity. at first i wasn't sure about the lab coat idea but almost at once it became likeable. now it's a habit for getting into work mode that i appreciate very much.
tangobaby ~ let's go tomorrow! and thanks for sharing your list ~ it's deelish!
thanks so much, nunu pepe ~ gotta love it when a design blogger invites herself to visit. ;o)
vineeta ~ it's so fun to share and then find out what interesting things you have in common with fellow bloggers. i can't wait to learn more about you!
tara ~ you're so kind. and who knew we have even more things in common! i'd be so honored to share hot chocolate, wool sweaters, and ocean views with you someday.
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