
the noticing project

these days i've been focusing on balance ~ listenting to when i need to slow down {meditating more, soaking my feet from 4 hours of tango dancing, writing more, etc} vs. encouraging the process of leaping forward into new challenges and pushing myself to see what my ambitions are made of.

on the one hand, it's a quick realization that once you give yourself permission to slow down, you see clearly how things can become too complex and too fast-paced and too overly-stimulating. but on the other hand, it's invigorating and enticing to be as active as possible and say yes to everything you can ~ life's short, carpe diem.
and so the balancing act.
what sort of balancing act do you find yourself in these days? what paradoxical activities are you involved in? what makes you feel peaceful & enthralled at the same time?
i've recently come across one photography partnership that seems to show balance ever so well: the noticing project.
two ladies taking photos each day & posting a pair {one contribution from each} in a thoughtful evocative way. so now, thanks to the efforts of heather and alicia, each day you too can make a ritual of being reminded of the simple, profound blessing of a life in natural balance.


design dna said...

these are all so beautiful and delicate. really lovely. i will have to check it out. thanks!

happy weekend!

Sam Suttie said...

love this post right up my alley :)

studio wellspring said...

hi darlings ~ so glad you enjoyed the noticing project. it's such brilliance to get their daily blessings.