
red bamboo reception

thought i'd share a few photos from the printz dance project reception i did last saturday ~ even though the quality of the photography isn't so great, it at least gives you an idea of how my initial inspiration board came into reality.
i'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped me make this happen: trader joe's for donating the food, the pdp board of directors for donating the vino, and jenni, maggie & sofie for dontating their time.


Calie Durant said...

Awe...love the red bamboo and the hanging photos - very creative! How long did it take you to paint each and every one of them?

studio wellspring said...

thanks calie ~ it took several days and 3 coats of painting because i did the bamboo, the picture frames & the bamboo stands all in the same glossy red. luckily some friends helped me out or i never would have gotten it all finished in time.

Vineeta said...

This is most amazing! I wish there were better pics- only because owrk like this DESERVES to be shot beautifully! I love the red bamboo look. Were those tiny frames with dancing figurines in them?

studio wellspring said...

thanks so much vineeta! yes the red frames of pictures of the printz dance company in them {that's who the reception was for}. i'll have to ask around and see if anyone else's photos turned out any better than mine did.