i'm big on new year's resolutions and reflections. so i'll deviate from my usual design-related posts to offer some info that encourages resolutions of mine in hopes to enhance your new year too.
resolution 1: get in shape girl!
(a dvd for rainy, dark days ~ with both morning & nighttime yoga practices that can be done without leaving your bed. easy-as-pie.)
(2 new types of yoga to try: acroyoga (top) and aerial yoga! these classes are springing up around the country & will be shown at the yoga journal conference in sf mid-january. combining basic yoga postures with trapeze equipment or acrobatic movement to build core strength, cutilvate trust & playfulness, let gravity work for you, and have a great time doing it.)
(this is a work-out dvd focused on strengthing legs & calves & posture in order to increase grace, confidence, sexiness & comfort when wearing heels.)resolution 2: educate & meditate
(al gore recently spoke in sf at the world geologists conference. i met people on my holiday break who attended & were entirely impressed with gore's presentation & information. it may be kinda depressing & scary, but i'm gonna watch his movie anyway. ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power.)
(world changing: a users' guide for the 21st century ~ 600 pages of cutting edge innovations, solutions & ideas for creating a better way now & a more livable future. i'm commited to reading & utilizing this manual.)

(modern science & the living contemplative traditions of buddhism have converged to form the mind & life institute. http://www.mindandlife.org/ it's a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing mutually respectful working collaborations and research partnerships between modern science and buddhism — two of the world's most fruitful traditions for understanding the nature of reality and promoting human well-being. my resolution is to learn more about the correlations of quantum physics & buddhism and to actively participate in this organization.)resolution 3: international travel
(countryside of france ~ the summer of '07 has potential for spending time in france with one of my best friends at her mother's house. that would be divine.)
(northern italy ~ already spent 8 months here but i won't shy away from another opportunity to visit. a good friend has a time share in october that i hope to get in on.)
(finland ~ my heritage is from finland & my family still has contact with relatives here. my parents & their siblings are trying to plan a big trip to finland & i'd love to be able to join them.)
(mexico - never been, but i have two weddings to potentially attend here in '07)
(south africa ~ not sure if this will be the year, but i never give up hope that someday i'll get here)