a combo of dance and interior design, this short film was janunger’s masters project and is her exploration of the intersection of architecture, choreography, and music. this film goes beyond the bounds of any tilting set eye-trickery you've seen before ~ this weightlessness is part of these girls’ reality. counter to any of the usual fantasies of the freedom of flight, the dancers seem paradoxically weighted down by their weightlessness. when brilliant dancers, malin stattin and tuva lundkvist, gaze into your eyes it becomes clear this isn’t a state of being they’ve chosen for themselves.
but, wait! there's more ~ in fact the more you explore erika's work, the more it seems there’s nothing she can’t do. holding a masters in interior architecture and furniture design from the college of art, craft, and design in stockholm, janunger clearly is a very multi-talented lady. her drive to explore the art of how people interact with her creations really sets her apart ~ as her statement on her website makes quite obvious:
“creating architecture and design, is like making music. By using three dimensions - three notes, you make a chord. by using many chords, shapes and spaces - you can create an entire world… i want to understand how all that works, i want to create surroundings and objects based upon peoples lives and feelings. i want to create worlds, i want to play god.”
{“workshop in the woods” where erika lit up a forest near gothtenburg, sweden}
What an incredible woman! Thank you so much for sharing her with all of us. Imagine being able, not only to think of things like that, but of having the skills and discipline to carry them out. Amazing!
Cool...says the man of many words...
so true relyn ~ she's a very admirable lady indeed.
alex ~ yes
Now That Is Amazing.
Thanks for introducing me to the work of this artist, I didn't know her. As a dancer, my eye was immediately caught by the first picture you featured. It's amazing!
hi mary-laure ~ such a pleasure to introduce some fellow dancers to each other. ;o)
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