
sunshine extension

hope you had a happy memorial day weekend. i want to extend the sunny feel from yesterday so i'm posting some sunshine-inspired images today. cheers!
(by far my favorite yellow setting ~ sunflower petal painted bricks with a fireplace and a painting on the mantel that melts my blonde-n-blue heart)

(a david hicks living room. light, fresh, deelish!)

(i like this combo of maize and cobalt and chestnut. nice balance)

(this designer did an excellent job of making yellow soft and mellow ~ and found the perfect shades of gray to go with it)

(no sunshine-inspired post would be complete without my lemon drop car & some golden daisies in my front yard)

(yellow black and white ~ it's bold and bright and cheerful)

(i love the wake-up-and-smell-the-sunshine feeling in this kitchen)

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