
to the point

simple, beautiful.
lovely art by daniel eatock ~ it's made by repeatedly balancing a single sheet of paper on the nibs of pantone pens.
also, his website's statement of purpose is pretty darn brilliant too:
"i am interested in connections between image and language, titles, punch lines, miscommunication, subversions, open systems, contributions from others, seriality, collections, discovery and inventing. i employ reductive logic, and strive for objective and rational solutions to form concluded works. i am especially interested in the connection of the start and end points of a hand drawn circle."


julochka said...

oh my goodness, so much inspiration! i've got to stop by more often!! :-)

Anonymous said...

This is my kind of art! Something that even I could achieve with a pleasing result. I believe Georges Seurat would have approved!

studio wellspring said...

yes please do, julochka ~ i love having you here.

dutchbaby ~ you're so very good at making connection. seurat would indeed enjoy this modern take on his genius artistic movement. sunday in the park with george is one of my faves for sure.