
break time

"a single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. to live is to be slowly born." antoine de saint-exupery

i've got a lot going on right now and somethin's gotta give ~ so i'll be back in a few days, or a week. . . . . be well!

{photo by sharon cooper}


Uncle Beefy said...

Be well yourself, A.! We'll all be waiting :) Lovely pic and looks exactly like where I'd like to be! (Now in those shoes head first in the ground, I don't know? Otherwise, good to go.) ;)

tangobaby said...

We'll be here when you get back.

Lots of love to you, whether you're in fields of lavender or in a museum or on the dance floor.

Or just resting.


Relyn Lawson said...

You, too, my friend. I hope that amid all the necessary scurry and flurry that you will find time to rest and refresh. Take care of you and Lil' Peach. Love you. ~R

karey m. said...

take care of you and that little peach!

studio wellspring said...

phew! the intensity has passed and now i can get back to blogging fun. thanks so much for your encouragement, you darling fabulous people. you enrich my life so!

tangobaby said...

Okay, good! I thought it was going to be a longer break. You just had more of a blog nap.

studio wellspring said...

yes, tb, a blog nap in which i did very little actual sleeping {thanks so much oda}. but i couldn't stay away for long ~ the blogiverse never really sleeps anyway and i hate missing out on the party. :o)

tangobaby said...

it wouldn't be much of a party without you!